Computer Network
- Network - RPC, HTTP, gRPC
- Network - TCP/IP Model / HTTP
- Network - What happend when you type a URL in browser
Distributed system
- Dead Letter Queue(DLQ) Handler Service
- Debug in distributed system (Splunk)
- Failure detection and handling in distributed system
- Regression Newman with HTML report
- kafka & redis
English Learning
Flask - Python
- Angular interview questions
- Interview Preparation
- Java Basic
- JavaScript questions
- React interview questions
- Software Interview problems
- LeetCode - Sword to offer 剑指offer
- LeetCode daily problems
- OA Interviews problems
- Pan cake sorting
- Parentheses problems
- Prefix Sum problems
- Water trapper problems
- API GateWay
- Async (@Async & messaging)
- Authentication-and-Authorization
- Cascading Failure
- Debug in Microservices
- Deploy Application, CICD pipeline
- ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana)
- Fault-Tolerance
- Jenkins (CI/CD)
- Kafka
- Knowledge
- Monolith VS Microservices
- Spring Cloud Config
- Swagger
- Transaction in microservices
- microservices communication
OOD & System Design
- OOD learning
- System design - consistent hasing
- System design Basic - scale up system
- System design DDIA digest - 5. Replication
- System design prepration share (friend)
Spring Framework
- Application Monitoring (Actuator & Logging)
- Common Annotations in Spring
- Dependency injection and IOC
- REST Controller in Spring
- Set up Basic Spring Boot Environment
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data Repository & JPA
- Spring MVC
- Spring Profile and Jasypt
- Srping AOP
- Srping Security and Authentication
- Testing in Spring & Code Coverage
- Transactions in Spring (monolithic)