Java Basic
SOLID Principlesdetailed explanation Single Responsibility Principle: A class should have only one job. Open Closed Principle: Class open for extension, closed for modification. Liskov Substitution Principle: Subclass must be su...…
SQL questionsSearch🟢 1821. Find Customers With Positive Revenue this Year DescriptionTable: Customers+--------------+------+| Column Name | Type |+--------------+------+| customer_id | int || year | int || revenue | int |+-------...…
Angular interview questions
React VS AngularAngular is a component-based framework used to build SPA. It has well-integrated libraries to support different features and is easy for scaling and maintaining. (emulate shadow DOM, two-way binding)React is a JS library used to bu...…
Interview Preparation
java APIproject storyAngularReactJavaScriptJava Basic & Java 8AWS Lambda & Step FunctionsAWS Lambda is a computer service that allows us to run code without deploying and managing server. It is event-driven. Events, such as changes in an S...…
IntroductionGood morning/afternoonI’m Chris, I have 1 year experience as a software developer. I have experience in building microservice applications with JavaEE, Spring Boot or Spring MVC, gRPC. For testing: I farmiliar with Junit, Mockito. For ...…
LeetCode - Sword to offer 剑指offer
leetcode 剑指 offer29. Divide Two Integers67. Add Binary338. Counting Bits137. Single Number II318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum15. 3Sum713. Subarray Product Less Than K560. Sub...…
OA Interviews problems
leetcode 面经BFS690. Employee ImportanceBinary search875. Koko Eating Bananasdemo875. Koko Eating Bananas Solution : XxTC : O(1)SC : O(1) Algorithm690. Employee Importance You have a data structure of employee information, including the employ...…
Java API
Java ApiSortingSort Array Arrays.sort(int[] arr): sort arr in ascending order Arrays.sort(int[] arr, int from, int to): sort arr from index from to index to in ascending order Arrays.sort(int[] arr, Comparator<Integer> c):...…