Cascading Failure
Cascading FailureWhat is Cascading Failure?Cascading failure is a failure that spreads across multiple systems, causing a chain reaction of failures. It is a common problem in distributed systems and can be caused by server overload, software bugs...…
user Authorization in mocroservices1. Single Sign onwhat is SSOSingle sign-on (SSO) allows the user to access multiple services without having to authenticate more than once.This is achieved by storing the user’s authentication information in a tr...…
Async (@Async & messaging)
Async (@Async & messaging)Async programmingExample: suppose prepare the home page, we need 4 independent calls - userInfo(2s), AccountInfo(4s), BillingInfo(1s), UsageInfo(5s). If we execute synchoronously, we have to wait 12s, If we use Async,...…
API GateWay
API GateWayWhy do we need API Gateway?API Gateway is a single entry point for all the microservices.Route requests This is convient for frontend developers to make requests to a single endpoint. The API Gateway will route the request to the approp...…
Spring Profile and Jasypt
What annotation do you use to quickly switch between different environments to load different configurations?@Profile is used to quickly switch between different environments to load different configurations. Add @Profile annotation to the co...…
Testing in Spring & Code Coverage
Testing in SpringUnit Test vs Integration TestUnit Test is a test focused on functional groups inside an application, generally we will test backend service layer by layer to make sure all layers and all methods work fine.Integration Test is a tes...…
Spring Data Repository & JPA
JPA (Java Persistence API)JPA is a specification of Java. It is used to persist data between Java object and relational database. It doesn’t provide any implementation, so it need a provider to implement it like Hibernate, EclipseLink, TopLink, et...…
RESTFul APIWhat is RESTFul API (Application Programming Interface)?You can think of an API as a mediator between the users or clients and the resources or web services they want to get.What is REST?REST is an architectural style that defines a set...…
REST Controller in Spring
REST Controller in Spring@RestController VS @Controller@RestController is a convenience annotation that combines @Controller and @ResponseBody. It is used for building RESTful web services that return data in response to HTTP requests in JSON/XML....…
Srping Security and Authentication
Spring SecuritySpring Security introduction MoreSpring Security is a framework to protect our endpoints.talk about details how authentication and authorization works, login/ not login, permission/role, etc. (Interview question) user want to login...…