Network - RPC, HTTP, gRPC
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)What is RPC?RPC is a protocol used to call other processes on the remote systems like a local system. (remote invocation) Beside HTTP, this is another way to achieve communication in distributed systems.Transport protoco...…
Network - What happend when you type a URL in browser
What happend when you type a URL in browser Check url is valid or not Check browser cache, system cache, router cache, ISP cache, if cache hit, return the page, else go to step 3 DNS resolve, get IP address Browser send H...…
Network - TCP/IP Model / HTTP
OSI VS TCP/IPOSI stand for Open System Interconnection, which is a conceptual model. It is used to describe the functions of a networking system.TCP/IP is a practicial implementation of the OSI model. It is a protocol stack used for communication ...…
Prefix Sum problems
Prefix Sum problems LeetCode 难度 724. Find Pivot Index 🟢 560. Subarray Sum Equals K 🟡 724. Find Pivot IndexDescriptionGiven an array of integers nums, calculate the pivot index of this ar...…
Water trapper problems
接雨水问题详解 LeetCode 力扣 难度 11. Container With Most Water 11. 盛最多水的容器 🟠 42. Trapping Rain Water 42. 接雨水 🔴 ———–力扣第 42 题「接雨水」挺有意思,在面试题中出现频率还挺高的,本文就来步步优化,讲解一下这道题。先看一下题目:就是用一个数组表示一...…
Parentheses problems
Parentheses problemsLeetCode : 20. Valid Parentheses LeetCode Difficulty 20. Valid Parentheses Easy 921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Medium 1541. Minimum Insertions to ...…
Pan cake sorting
烧饼排序 LeetCode 力扣 难度 969. Pancake Sorting 969. 煎饼排序 🟠 ———–力扣第 969 题「煎饼排序」是个很有意思的实际问题:假设盘子上有 n 块面积大小不一的烧饼,你如何用一把锅铲进行若干次翻转,让这些烧饼的大小有序(小的在上,大的在下)?设想一下用锅铲翻转一堆烧饼的情景,其实是有一点限制的,我们每次只能将最上面的若干块饼子翻转:我们的问题是...…
Deploy Application, CICD pipeline
Deploy ApplicationIntelliJ -> GitHub -> Jenkins -> DockerHub -> Kubernetes -> AWSHow To Push a Docker Image To Docker Hub Using JenkinsJenkins 将 Docker 映像部署到 Kubernetes write code in IntelliJ and then push to GitHub Jenk...…
TDD (Test Driven Development)What is TDD?Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that de...…
Transaction in microservices
Transaction in microservices2-phase commit2-phase commit is a widely used pattern to implement distributed transaction management.It has two phases: Prepare phase: The coordinator asks the participating nodes whether they are ready to commit....…