Spring Cloud Config


Spring Cloud Config

Where do you store your configuration file when you use microservices?

Spring Cloud Config is a centralized place to store the configuration file for all microservices.

  • In a monolithic application, we can store the configuration file in the resources folder.

  • In a microservice application, we can store the configuration file in the resources folder of each microservice. However, this is not a good idea because we have to update the configuration file in each microservice when we want to change the configuration file.

  • We can store the configuration file in a centralized place. So we need Spring Cloud Config.

How to use Spring Cloud Config in Spring Boot?

To Create a server:

  1. Set up configuration repo: choose a version control system like Git and create a new repo to store the config
  2. Create a Spring Boot application and add spring-cloud-config-server dependencies.
  3. Add @EnableConfigServer annotation to the main class.
  4. Add application.properties file and set up the port and the config repo url.

To Create a client:

  1. Create a Spring Boot application and add spring-cloud-starter-config dependencies.
  2. Add bootstrap.properties file and set up the port and the config server url.
  3. Add @RefreshScope annotation to the main class.
  4. Add @Value("${property.name}") annotation to the field that you want to inject the value from the config server.
