System design prepration share (friend)
Add iconAdd coverAdd comment我的系统设计准备心得从9月中开始到10月中,准备了三周的系统设计,最后很幸运拿到了offer。现在分享给大家希望能帮助你拿到心仪公司的offer!系统设计面试准备有什么好材料推荐吗?我只是路过(还没有面试):推荐关注Alex Xu的小红书账号!一张图给你很清晰地讲清楚系统结构。可以平时当作了解自己的业务,在真正面试来临的时候有更好大局观!同时也可以看一个demo录像Amazon System Design Interview: Des...…
System design DDIA digest - 5. Replication
5. ReplicationReplication means: keep a copy of data on multiple machines. geographicly close to users to reduce latency increase availability even if one machine is down increase read throughputreplication algorithm: single-leader replication...…
Regression Newman with HTML report
Regression Report with NewMan#!/bin/bashcd $(dirname $0)ENV=${1:-QA}echo "Testing $ENV environment."[ ! -d newman ] && mkdir newman[ -d newman/newman ] && rm newman/newman/xxx-regression-*.htmlcd newman || exitexport PATH=/devops/t...…
ArchitectInfraNodes are only responsible for the routing and use as much resource as possible to process more request in the same time. Pods are running inside of the workerNode, when traffic comes, it first comes tp the infraNodes -> service -...…
Flask introduction & set up
Set up env (virtual environment)tutorial$ python -m venv env # Windows$ python3 -m venv env # Linux or macOSIn python, there is no central lib management tools like Maven in Java, and it is not possible to have different version of same lib, so ...…
Dead Letter Queue(DLQ) Handler Service
Dead Letter QueueA Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) is a service implementation utilised in message-based systems to store messages that could not be processed or delivered.For consumer, there may be scenarios in which incoming messages cannot be fully pro...…
Debug in distributed system (Splunk)
SplunkSplunkindex=application_na sourcetype=fs_newarch_qa source=*gfs-feaid-services*Response Time: index=application_na sourcetype=fs_newarch_prod source=*fs-utilities* eventType=END OR eventType=ERROR | timechart avg(duration)tps:index=applicat...…
Failure detection and handling in distributed system
Failure detectionIn distributed system, it requires at least two independent sources of information to mark a server dowm. One server is not enough. (It’s not enough to simply say because your node can’t contact another node that the other node is...…
System design - consistent hasing
Consistent HasingConsistent Hasing is used as a load balancing algorithm, can be compared with Round Robin.Advantange: Consistent Hasing is a good choice in distributed systems. compared with Round Robin, Consistent Hasing can guarantee client c...…
System design Basic - scale up system
Scale Route1. Single server2. Database (separate Data tier and web traffic tier)Choose which database to use, Nosql or relational databaseNon-relational database might be the right choice if (easy to scale, no join operations): app requires super...…