- Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB, RDS, S3, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA
- Github URL: Github Link
Built RESTful API in Microservices using Spring Boot, set up Eureka and API Gateway to discover service
and route endpoints, used Feign Client for sync communication and RabbitMQ for async communication
Implemented Token based authentication and authorization on each service using Spring Security and JWT
Developed async email validation using RabbitMQ and Spring Email
Stored user profile image and post attachments in AWS S3 bucket, stored post information in MongoDB and
manipulate data through Spring Data JPA, rest of the information are stored using RDS and Hibernate
Applied AOP and Logging on controller layer for the monitoring, applied Spring Validation for the input
checking and handle exceptions using Exception handler
Used JUnit and Mockito for the unit test, generated code coverage report using JaCoCo and generated API
document using Swagger
- Tech Stack: JavaScript, ES6, React.js, Redux
- Github URL: Github Link
Developed the Front-End and User Interface using JavaScript, ES6, React.js and Redux
Built Single Page Application (SPA) using React-Router and to enable navigation from one view to the next
Created reusable React components and managed application state with Redux